To ensure clean, safe, potable water, the Rivergrove Water District maintains a Cross Connection Control Program required by the Oregon Health Authority (OAR 333-061-0070 (PDF)). This program is designed to protect the water distribution system from contamination. Customers with inground irrigation, sprinkler systems, and/or certain water features such as fountains and pools are required by law to have their backflow tested annually by a state-certified tester. Visit the Public tester list.
All annual test reports are due to the District no later than September 30th. We recommend your backflow be tested at the start of the irrigation season between January through May as it may become difficult to find certified testers available later in the season.
Please refer to the District’s Cross Connection Control Program policy (PDF) and FAQ sheet (PDF). Contact the District office at (503) 635-6041 or send us a message if you have any questions or need assistance. Visit our Contact Us page.