Organizational Structure

Our employees are here to help you. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about our services. They can be reached by calling the office at (503) 635-6041 or by Rivergrove Water District email.

General Manager

The Board of Commissioners appoints the General Manager, who is responsible for the overall management of the District, including operational and administrative functions.

Duties of the General Manager include creating and maintaining an organizational structure to ensure efficient and effective operations, creating long and short-term goals, managing capital improvement projects, developing effective management policies and procedures, and maintaining the water system at levels necessary to meet all regulatory compliances at state and federal level.

The General Manager serves as the District’s Budget Officer and is responsible for implementing budgetary and financial controls to ensure sound fiscal management, including risk management and operational efficiency.

Utility Operators

Utility operators are responsible for the maintenance of the water distribution system. Their responsibilities include retrieving meter readings, coordinating data collection, and determining chemical application and system flow characteristics.

Their fieldwork consists of installing meters, testing for water quality, maintaining District facilities and grounds, performing on-call duties, and responding to customer service calls.

Finance Specialist

The finance specialist is responsible for performing general office functions including customer service, bi-monthly billing, welcome packages, data entry, record retention, and website maintenance. This position assists with preparing the annual budget and audit preparations.