The Board of Commissioners is comprised of 5 citizens who live within the District’s jurisdiction. Each commissioner is elected to serve a 4-year term.

Contact the Board

Contact your Board members by completing and submitting the following form!

Contact Us Form

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Board Members Are Volunteers

Question:  What type of bonus do you receive from serving as a Commissioner of the Rivergrove Water District?

Answer:  Satisfaction you are doing your part and serving the public!

Some municipalities pay their board members up to $50 a meeting. Our Commissioners have elected not to receive any financial payment. They have the privilege of helping guide our District and keeping our water safe.

Board Meetings

The Board of Commissioners meets on the fourth Monday of every month at 4:30 p.m. at the Rivergrove Water District office. Visit the Board Meetings page for agendas, minutes, and a schedule of upcoming meetings.